Hypnosis for the Relief and Control of Pain
The Pain Brain Connection
The brain produces over 3,000 chemicals such as endorphins, serotonin,
and melatonin. These are 50 times more powerful than their synthetic manufactured counterparts Morphine, Ambien, and Xanax.
Hypnosis is a set of techniques designed to enhance concentration,
minimize one's usual distractions, and heighten responsiveness to
suggestion, to alter one's thoughts, feelings, behavior, or physiological state. Hypnosis is not a type of therapy. It also is not a treatment in and of itself. Instead, it is a tool often used to facilitate other types of therapies and treatments.
Research shows that hypnosis works as part of a treatment program
for many psychological and medical conditions, with pain relief being
one of the most researched areas.
Practical Application
Hypno-analgesia is likely to decrease acute and chronic pain in most individuals, and save them money in surgical procedures. Hypno-
analgesia has been used successfully in many interventions in
many clinics, hospitals, and burns care centers and dental offices.
For acute pain, it has proven. useful in interventional radiology various
surgical procedures the treatment of burns (dressing changes and the
painful removal of dead or contaminated skin tissue,child-birth, bone
marrow aspiration pain and pain related to dental work.
Chronic Pain conditions for which hypnosis has been successfully used
include headaches, backache, fibromyalgia,carcinoma-related pain, mandibular temporal disorder, and mixed chronic pain. Hypnosis can
alleviate the sensory and or components of a pain experience, which may be all necessary for acute pain. Chronic conditions, however, may need more help.
Note: Physician referral is required.
We work with your medical professional